Mount Union has been blessed with a rich history of believers. Below are some of the highlights of the our first 160 years:
1857 Mt. Union Lutheran Church was built, as a union church of the Lutheran and Reformed congregations. Abram F. Null, John Angel Sr. John, Koons, John Feeser and John W. Angel were the leading persons in the formation of our church.
1858 Church dedicated, part of the Taneytown charge.
1860 United with Woodsboro charge.
1869 United with Uniontown charge.
1873 Sunday School reorganized.
1882 Church remodeled and rededicated by Pastor Delp.
1882 The Lutherans during the pastorate of Rev. G. W. Anderson proposed to buy the interest of the Reformed or sell to them, but they could do neither. A new church was proposed to be built in Union Bridge, which was built. After a number of years the Lutheran services were discontinued.
1887 During the pastorate of Reverend W. S. Delp and some of the laymen who still held on to the old church, it was remodeled and rededicated.
1891 Society of Christian Endeavor organized and met weekly for over fifty years.
1893 New organ.
1896 Missionary Society organized by Miss Laura Wade Rice and Rev. Baughman.
1896 Miss Lizzy Birely becomes Sunday School Superintendent.
1896 Storm damaged the church building.
1903 Under the wise leadership of Rev. F. W. Baughman the congregation resolved to build a new church.
1905 Church building was erected under the supervision of Jacob S. Gladhill, assisted by other members and friends of the congregation. The building valued at $3,200.00.
1905 Corner stone laid August 20, 2:30 PM.
1905 Ladies Aid Society organized.
1906 Dedication of the church, March 25.
1936 Frank Bohn became the new Sunday School Superintendent after Miss Lizzy Birely had been superintendent for forty years.
1937 February under the guidance of Pastor Millard Kroh, the Class of Smiling Sunbeams was organized.
1937 Louise Birely (later Broadwater) became organist.
1937 Mt. Union School building was extended with more room to the back.
1937 Church dedication September 19, 1937 Repairs to church – oak panel placed around the choir platform. Through the earnest effort of L.K. Birely. The new memorial windows were donated.
1938 November first oyster and chicken supper, served 188 plates.
1938 New hymnals bought.
1941 January, new Wicks organ ($1,025.00) dedicated February 2.
1942 New choir gowns dedicated March 29.
1943 One American and one Christian flag purchased in honor of service men in the parish and community.
1943 New well drilled.
1943 May 9, A Service Roll- a combination candle lighter and extinguisher purchased by Smiling Sunbeams.
1943 November 7, Old Fashioned Hymn Sing was a feature at the Ingathering Service.
1944 New wardrobe build by L. M. Birely.
1945 New cross placed on the spire of the church, made by L. M. Birely.
1945 Hand pump placed on the well.
1945 April, L. M. Birely resigned as secretary/treasurer after 27 years of service, followed by Mary Wilhide Crabbs.
1947 New oil furnace for Sunday School Building donated by the Smiling Sunbeams.
1948 Rev. Andrew F. Theisz started Parish choir under direction of Louise Broadwater.
1948 Altar vases in memory of Miss Lizzi Birely were given to the church by the Sunday School.
1948 September 26-December 12, 10’X10’ room built to the northeast end of the church.
1948 December 12, Service of Dedication and Rededication of church.
1948 New window shades for the Parish House donated by Ralph Bair.
1949 Parish choir, under the direction of Louise Broadwater, consists of Mt. Union, St. Luke's, St. Paul's, and Baust members, by suggestion of Rev.Theisz.
1949 New piano for the church.
1950 Mount Union Missionary 54th anniversary, June 5.
1953 Primary Department outgrew it’s quarters in the church, now located in Parish House.
1953 December 6, Dedication of the paraments.
1954 Christian Endeavor Society was reorganized March 19.
1955 Lectern and cross made and donated by Ralph Bair.
1955 Members of Sunday School gave chairs and other equipment to furnish Primary Department.
1955 Two Mt. Union Church signs, given by two members, were installed 1/2 mile from church.
1956 New Weaver piano in church.
1957 125 members on Sunday School Roll, average attendance 75.
1958 Mary Crabbs retired from treasure followed by Claude Bohn.
1960 Paved the parking lot.
1960 Church sign donated by Mrs. Carrie Birely.
1961 Smiling Sunbeam Class purchased coat rack for the church. Ralph Bair made a coat rack for the Parish House.
1962 A brass bookholder was given in memory of J. Edward Dayhoff by Mrs. J. Edward Dayhoff, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Leister, and Mr. and Mrs. George Morgan.
1963 New flags presented by Mr. And Mrs. Joseph Reaver.
1964 Two primary tables donated by Kenneth Bair Family. Bibles donated by Frank Bohn Family. Sunday School Hymnals donated by Smiling Sunbeams. Storm windows donated by Patsy Bohn Hannah. New cemetery fence.
1968 May, New electric heating system installed in church.
1968 Mt. Union Sunday School Homecoming Service for past and present Sunday school members.
1969 Frank Bohn resigned as Sunday School Superintendent after 33 years, followed by Emmert Miller.
1970 Painted interior of church and sealed the bricks on the outside.
1975 Restrooms built in Parish House.
1975 Increased the price of cemetery lots.
1976 Service of Dedication.
1976 Cross of wood made by Parish Youth Group.
1976 December, Youth Group made box for Christmas cards and the postage given to charity.
1977 Windows were painted and calked. Repair work done on the tower.
1978 $3,836.00 pledge for building of Carroll Lutheran Village.
1980 New gas furnace installed in Parish House.
1980 January, St. Luke left the Parish.
1982 Mt. Union 125th Anniversary Service.
1986 Church tower was repaired and covered with metal.
1988 New choir gowns purchased. New carpet installed.
1988 December 11 Mt. Union voted to leave Uniontown Parish.
1989 Breakup of the Uniontown Parish (St. Paul, Mt. Union, Emmanuel) change effective January 18, 1989.
1989 January 22, Rich Jorensen, Mt. Union’s own first student minister.
1989 New photocopier. fans and electric lights installed. Painted the outside of the church and Parish House. New hymnals.
1990 April, Ralph Bair, Emmert Miller, and Marvin Nelson built new book holders for the back of the pews.
1990 New Lutheran Book of Worship. Landscaping and ramp dedicated.
1990 Interior of church painted.
1991 Slate roof removed and replaced with new-shingled roof.
1994 Repaved the parking lot.
1995 Emmert Miller resigned, after 26 years, as Sunday School Superintendent, followed by Lottie Bell.
1998 Paved drive on the east side of church cemetery.
1998 New flags donated by Virgil Cain, dedicated to the memory of C. Earl (Bill) Cartzendafner.
2000 February Mt. Union quilt piece, designed by Virgil Cain and embroidered by Doris Cain, for Carroll Lutheran Church Quilt, displayed at Carroll Lutheran Village. The quilt consisted of a quilt piece from each of the 27 Lutheran Churches in Carroll County.
2000 Paved drive on the west side of church cemetery.
2000 November 19, Wooden candleholder built by Marvin Nelson, for Paschal Candle, which was donated by daughters Joyce and Linda.
2000 New tables for Parish House.
2001 December 23, Eternal flame in memory of Ruth Bair. Spot lights, highlighting the altar in memory of Mr. and Mrs. H. Donald Lambert, donated by Marvin and Betty Nelson and Tom and Glenna Lambert.
2003 Complete renovation of the church.
2003 September 14 Rededication Service for the sanctuary.
2003 St. Paul's church closed. Many families are received into membership at Mt. Union.
2004 Water proofed outside walls of the church and Parish House.
2004 August, church tower repaired and louvers replaced.
2004 New furnace in Parish House.
2005 Speaker system installed in church.
2005 New dolly for the piano.
2005 February, Contemporary Service begun.
2005 Louise Broadwater organist and choir director since 1937.
2007 150th anniversary of Mount Union Lutheran Church.
2009 Complete renovation of the parish house and rededication.
2010 Began use of Our Daily Bread library in the narthex
2010 Claude Bohn retires as treasurer after 52 years of service
2015 Church adopts mission statement of "Loving God, Loving Others and Making Disciples"
2015 New plaque dedicated in honor of all Mount Union members who have served in the Armed Forces
2015 Began H.O.M.E. Groups (Homes Open for Ministry and Encouragement)
2015 Mount Union votes to disaffiliate with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) and simultaneously join the North American Lutheran Church (NALC)
2016 Mount Union votes to call Pastor Cary Moorman to full-time ministry
2016 New exterior lighting installed in memory of Tom and Tommy Lambert
2016 Started a second adult Sunday School class
2016 Mount Union participates in the inaugural Union Bridge Drug Awareness Expo
2017 Mount Union produces its first theatrical production, titled Tetelestai
2017 Began Life's Healing Choices small groups
2017 Union Bridge Youth Outreach, a ministry of Mount Union, begins meeting at the Union Bridge Community Center
2018 First HOME Group begins
2018 Salt & Pepper Luncheons begin
2019 First Family Movie Night held on the church lawn
2020 In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, Mount Union begins offering services on Zoom. In-person services resume first in the parking lot, then by fall in the sanctuary.
2021 Sunday School classes resume after a hiatus for COVID-19
2022 New windows installed in the parish hall
2023 Mt Union leads efforts for the Union Bridge Town Square Christmas celebration
We have also had the privilege of having wonderful pastoral leadership through the years:
Reverend D. Sentman 1857
Reverend L. T. Williams 1858
Reverend George H. Beckley 1859
Reverend S. W. Owen 1866
Reverend John F. Diener 10/1/1870 10/1/1872
Reverend George W. Anderson 2/1/1873 3/20/1876
Reverend David B. Floyd 5/1/1876 5/17/1882
Reverend William S. Delp 5/17/1882 6/17/1890
Reverend J. R. Williams 3/20/1890 6/20/1893
Reverend G. W. Baughman 11/10/1893 3/4/1914
Reverend W. E. Saltzgiver 6/1/1915 7/1/1918
Reverend B. E. Petrea 6/1/1919 7/15/1921
Reverend J. Edward Lowe, Jr. 12/1/1921 4/16/1928
Reverend M. L. Kroh 6/15/1928 2/1/1940
Reverend George E. Bowersox 4/1/1940 10/16/1944
Reverend Charles Birx 2/1/1945 6/15/1948
Reverend Andrew Theisz 10/10/1948 11/28/1949
Reverend D. R. Warrenfeltz 3/1/1950 6/1/1957
Reverend Joseph Callahan 10/15/1957 8/21/1960
Reverend Seth S. Hester 1/1/1961 6/15/1962
Reverend J. H. August Borleis, D.D. 10/21/1962 1974
Reverend Robert S. McElroy, III 1974 1977
Reverend James Davis 1978 1979
Reverend H. Thomas Miller, Jr. 1979 1984
Reverend Richard A. Sebastion VP 1985 1985
Reverend Stephen Berry 1986 1988
Seminarian Rick Jorgenson 1989 1989
Seminarian Roland E. Nairn 1989 1990
Seminarian Kenneth Buckwalter 1989 1990
Seminarian Lee Brumback 1990 1991
Seminarian Viking Von Dietrich 1991 1992
Reverend Richard L. Michael 1992 2014
Reverend Richard G. Hembrock (Interim) 2014 - 2015
Reverend W. Cary Moorman 2015 - Present
Reverend L. T. Williams 1858
Reverend George H. Beckley 1859
Reverend S. W. Owen 1866
Reverend John F. Diener 10/1/1870 10/1/1872
Reverend George W. Anderson 2/1/1873 3/20/1876
Reverend David B. Floyd 5/1/1876 5/17/1882
Reverend William S. Delp 5/17/1882 6/17/1890
Reverend J. R. Williams 3/20/1890 6/20/1893
Reverend G. W. Baughman 11/10/1893 3/4/1914
Reverend W. E. Saltzgiver 6/1/1915 7/1/1918
Reverend B. E. Petrea 6/1/1919 7/15/1921
Reverend J. Edward Lowe, Jr. 12/1/1921 4/16/1928
Reverend M. L. Kroh 6/15/1928 2/1/1940
Reverend George E. Bowersox 4/1/1940 10/16/1944
Reverend Charles Birx 2/1/1945 6/15/1948
Reverend Andrew Theisz 10/10/1948 11/28/1949
Reverend D. R. Warrenfeltz 3/1/1950 6/1/1957
Reverend Joseph Callahan 10/15/1957 8/21/1960
Reverend Seth S. Hester 1/1/1961 6/15/1962
Reverend J. H. August Borleis, D.D. 10/21/1962 1974
Reverend Robert S. McElroy, III 1974 1977
Reverend James Davis 1978 1979
Reverend H. Thomas Miller, Jr. 1979 1984
Reverend Richard A. Sebastion VP 1985 1985
Reverend Stephen Berry 1986 1988
Seminarian Rick Jorgenson 1989 1989
Seminarian Roland E. Nairn 1989 1990
Seminarian Kenneth Buckwalter 1989 1990
Seminarian Lee Brumback 1990 1991
Seminarian Viking Von Dietrich 1991 1992
Reverend Richard L. Michael 1992 2014
Reverend Richard G. Hembrock (Interim) 2014 - 2015
Reverend W. Cary Moorman 2015 - Present